1. Identification of need- Scope of work
AIF does internal alignments to come up with the need (goods or services) and clearly describes what it wants for example types of goods or services, specifications, quantity, delivery timeline etc.
2. Identification of potential suppliers/new suppliers
A potential supplier will go through the following stages before being considered for their bid submission.
1- Prequalification through reference checks
2- Financial capacity checks
- Ability of meeting Specifications Invitation of bids or offer from identified potential suppliers.
Depending on the nature and magnitude of spend, AIF may decide to publicly announce tender. A tender may be announced publicly or to specifics potential suppliers/service providers.
3. Evaluation process
A Tender/ Procurement Committee comprising procurement staff (standard) and any other co-opted member(s) depending on the nature of material(s) or service(s) to be sourced is formed to assess the submitted bids vs required specifications. Depending on the amount the assessment may done independently by procurement.
4. Negotiation process
This involves the below:
1- Price in lieu of budget, market and/or previous purchase references
2- Payment terms
- Quality
1- Warranties where applicable
2- Delivery time among other terms
5. Selection, awarding and inclusion of the best bidder in AIF supplier data base
A successful bidder is selected and confirmed by the committee and/procurement to perform the supply or delivery of services or goods. Unsuccessful bidders are also notified
6. Supplier registration
At this stage, a notification of award is sent to the successful bidder and if the Supplier is new and not registered in system, a supplier registration form is sent to them and after registration, they are issued with a contract or purchase order.